Saturday, July 01, 2006

I grandi branni italiani (parte 3)

Il terzo programma. Piu' veloce questa volta. Ho ancora di piu' quindi faccio una coda fra qualche giorno.

Ascolta qui:

Leggi un po' qui:

99 Posse- Salario garantito (NA 99 10 gradi) Naples

Bed Boys- Vivere, non sopravivere (L’indifferenza uccide EP 1986)
SDP- Il cantico delle creature (ep)
Blaxfema- Guerre (Menes tape 1985) Pavia
Infezione- Contro lo stato (Think Globally Act Locally 2x7” comp 1992)

RAF Punk- Contro la pace contro la guerra (WAR/PEACE comp 2xLp 1984)
Arturo- Pretese (Follow Your Leaders comp 2003)
Contopotere- Baghdad, la morte in diretta (Il seme della devianza Lp)
High Circle- Lucida Follia
Arturo- 1974 (Cripple Bastards cover- Falafel Grind comp)
Cattiva Inclinazione- Solo sterili simulacri (Difficile a credere ad una compilazione di old school italiano comp 7” 1996)

Contropotere- Briganti
Rivolta dell’odio- Altari del terrore (Il cuore della bestia ep 1984)
Heartfield- Corri
Cibo- Sire, il trono vacilla (Appetibile cd)
Maschera- Eroi
Sottopressione- Silenzio Statico (Difficile a credere ad una compilazione di old school italiano comp 7” 1996)
Tear Me Down- Prendi una posizione (Terzo ep)
Maze- Dentro di noi
Impact- The Man Goes On (WAR/PEACE comp)
Frammenti- Noi due tagliati in due (Difficile a credere ad una compilazione di old school italiano comp 7” 1996)

PHP (Psychoholiday Project)- Non voltarti mai
Jilted- Ritrova te stesso (La mia realta’ ep)
Affluente- Democrazia (Logica Dominante ep)
Costruzione- Opponendo resistenza (2003 demo) Genoa
Feccia tricolore- Generazione morta (Palermo)
Disprezzo- London (Nel mio mondo il sole non sorge)
Sickoids- Anti-Nazi

Concrete- Three... e poi piove (split ep with Antisgammo)
2 Minuto d’odio- Inutile parole
By All Means- Fuori
Contrasto- In un giorno di pioggia (Sentenza di vuota comparsa LP)
Contrasto- Ideali
Full of Nothing- For the cause (Demo) Palermo
Torquemada- Metro Boulot Dodo (Be Quick or Be Dead Ep)
Downright- NATO (Downright 7” 2000)
Ed- Guilty of Being White
Ohuzaru- 2/3
L’Amico di Martucci- Non val saper a chi fortuna ha contra
L’Amico di Martucci- XmestreX (split ep with Cementerio Show) (non ho proprio suonato, il giradischi non voleva)

Grievance- Costretti (Split Ep w/ Soar)
Scum of Society- La tua ignoranza il loro potere (split ep with Full of Hatred)
Depravati- Mai vostri servi (split ep with Rifiuto)
La Matematica- Paura del palcoscenico (Abominio)
La Matematica- Carina (Abominio)

No Somos Nada- Capitalismo & idiozia (Impara a dire no ep)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Il secondo programma di musica punk italiana!!!

Ciao ragazzi,
si, ecco lo qua, il secondo di forse quattro programmi italiani che faccio.
Questo non soffriva dalla bassa qualita' uditiva dell'ultimo, sente bene!

Ascoltolo qua:

Leggi un po' qua:

Jovanotti- Stasera voglio fare na festa (grazie Maya!)
Traumatic- No Way to Be (Last White Christmas II (live in Pisa, Dec. 4 1983))
Contrazione- Sbarre (WAR/PEACE comp)

CCCP- Live in Pankow
Kalashnikov- Bandiera da bruciare
Crash Box- Troppi rimpianti (...vivi! EP 1984) Crash rec's
Arturo- Nel film (Follow Your Leader comp 2003)

I fichissimi- La tipa dalla casa okkupata
Sharon e i Moderni e i 100 Birre- Donna in divisa (Hanno aperto le gabbie)
5o Braccio- Rabbia e disperazione (Vanchiglia demo)
Peggio Punx- No Mai (WAR/PEACE comp)

Arsenico- 4 aprile (Follow Leaders comp 2003)
Antisgammo- Nero Nero
Heartside- The Meaning of Pain
Confusione- Mardi gras
Insult- Information (Viva l'Italia comp ep) Alessandria
Dissciorda- Cecchini (Alienation Breeders Lp)

Contropotere- Briganti (Solo selvaggi ep)
By All Means- Taglio Netto (Blindside Lp)
Contrazione- Metropoli (split Lp)
Day of the Dead- Kill the Phantom of the Good Old Days (son' overamente portoghese, mah...)
Full of Hatred- Hardcore
Full of Hatred- White Supremacy
Contrasto- Crocifisso nel pugno di un morto

Kontatto- La morte degli innocenti (Split ep with Gift Gas)
Alterazione- Vive come ti viva (Discografia 1995-1999 cd)
Alterazione- Noia (Discografia 1995-1999 cd)
Canzone degli amici del WEF- CSOA il Molino
Cripple Bastards- Italia di merda
Crunch- Subito

Grievance- Ultima, forse (split with H.R.W)
DDI- Tutti Pazzi (Viva l'Italia comp ep)
Feccia tricolore- Succhia sangue (Palermo)
DDI- Annabelva (10")
Cattiveria- Terra mafiosa (split Lp w/ Corrosione)
Downright- Ovunque ti guardi (Split w/ Flopdown)
Ed- Continuo a cadere
Disprezzo- Yankees di merda

Valium- Urla
Kill Your Boyfriend- Die in Red Lights (Follow Your Leader comp 2003)
Le Urla- Le Tormenta
Shears- Ho scelto di non scegliere/ Lo stato non esiste (United Punk Support comp ep)
Crepa- Crepa (Viva l'Italia comp ep)
Strage- Mietetore/consuma (Split Lp with Egotismo)
Contrasto- Stato-politica, chiesa-religione
Corrosione- Niente sara' come prima (split Lp w/ Cattiveria)
Campus Sterminii- (Split Lp with Disgusting Lies 2006)
Dirty Power Game- Infestazione
Cripple Bastards- Ring the Curtain Down (split with PELME)

Figli di Bruno Atomico- Hey ho andiamo blitzkrieg bop

La settimana prossima? Piu' hardcore italiano!!!!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Il primo programma italiano, gli primi anni '80

Puzzano pure gli italiani? Come no?! E negli anni ottanta si puo' dire che puzzavano ancora di più!

Ascolta qua:

Leggi qua:

'E Zezi gruppo operaio- Ballo re' pezzienti (Diavule a quatto cd) Napoli

Rivolta dell'odio- Oscurati (Il cuore della bestia ep 1984)
Crapping Dogs- Don't cry, shoot! (V/A Raptus- Negazione & Superamento LP Vol.2) Genova
Crapping Dogs- Natural (s/t tape 1983)
Cani- La mia carta (V/A Raptus- Negazione & Superamento LP Vol.2)
Bed Boys- Potere fottuto (L'indifferenza uccide EP 1986)
Bed Boys- Violenza no (L'indifferenza uccide EP)

Anna Falkes- Centro sociale occupato (V/A Schiavi nella città più libero nel mondo ep)
Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers- 400 Fascists (in town tonight) (Cheetah Chrome Motherfuckers/I Refuse it! Permanent Scar split Lp)
Crash Box- ...vivi! (�vivi! EP 1984) Crash rec's
Chain Reaction- No way out (Gabbie EP)
Disper-Azione- Soltanto la morte (Soltanto la morte... potra fermarci Lp 1986) Chaos produzioni
Rough- Riot in the Street (Rough ep)

Stazione Suicida- Vendetta (Essence tape 1981)
RAF Punk- viva la resistenza (V/A Schiavi nella città più libero nel mondo ep)
Kolletivo- Lotta per il potere (V/A Papi, Queens, Reichkanzlers & Presidenti EP)
Kolletivo- Uomo (L'incubo continua comp 1983)
Rappresaglia- Lacrime di rabbia (Danza di guerra ep 1984)
I Refuse It!- Chocu umeret (live) (V/A We can do whatever we want LP)

Shotgun Solution- Apocalypse (Shotgun ep)
Riot- Non abbiamo futuro (Il destino d'uomo comp) Chioggia VE
The Wops- Factory of Cancer (Nervous Breakdown tape 1983) Murano VE
Impact- Alienazione Sistematica
I Deny- Lucidità follia (Anonime Persone EP 1986)
Kina- Il confine
Warfare- No vivesezione (Split ep)
Uart Punk- Frustrazione (V/A Raptus Lp)

Soglia del dolore- Non voglio
UNS- Timeless (Demo 1986) Pisa
Raw Power- You are the victim
Declino- Scelte imposte
EU's Arse- Schiavi e padroni
Stalag 17- Nobel per l'orrore (Nè buoni nè cattivi split EP)

Negazione- Non mir dire (Mucchio selvaggio split Lp 1984)
The Crime Gang Bang- come posso sopravivere (Figlia della rabbia ep 1988)
MAB- Firmato polizia (Farò del mio peggio 1991)
MAB- Ne' dioi ne' padroni (Farò del mio peggio 1991)
Irah- Poseurs e dintorni (Nè buoni nè cattivi split EP)

Indigesti- Silenzio statico (Osservati dall'Inganno Lp)
Infezione- Cazzo per cervello
Wretched- Mai arrendersi
Wretched- Dentro te
Wretched- Troppo facile

Enter 'o Clisma- M'aggio accattato nu tavuto (7" 1978) Napoli

In arrivo: L'Italia pt.2!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006



This show took a month to get out- tech issues.

Had to wing a few things, I think it worked out- haven't listened to the archive yet, so lemme know if I'm wrong.


How the playlist was meant to be played out (sort of, all these songs are there and in this order, the breaks just aren't quite right...)-

Zeni Geva- Love Bite (Desire for Agony cd 1993)

Corruption of Peace- Confusion (Confusion 1984)
Frequent- Fall into a Groove (Fucking Noise Terror comp)
GISM- Death, Agonies and Screams (Detestation Lp 1984)
Selfish- Seedy Life (Cause Pain Lp)
Jack With Killer- Stupid Heavy Metal II (Hymns for the Hearing Impaired Vol.1 comp)
Jack With Killer- Restriction (Hymns for the Hearing Impaired Vol.1 comp)
Gauze-Pressing on (Equalizing Distort Lp 1986)
Gauze- Crash the Pose (Equalizing Distort Lp)
Acidic Soil- Kick Against the Pricks (7")
Execute- Finale (WAR/PEACE comp 1984)
Smash the Brain- Vital Dreams (Falafel Grind Comp)

Cunts- DxZxUxG
Urgexx- Kisamananisama (Show Your True Colors comp)
Beyond Description- Chaos (Follow Your Leader comp 2003)
Beyond Description- Smash (Follow Your Leader comp)
Absent- Future or delusion? (We against your fuckin the new Japan-US security threaty! Comp ep)
Discript- Sky (Hymns for the Hearing Impaired Vol.1 comp)
Asbestos- Bomb Slaughter

Confuse- Indignation (1984 demo)
GISM- Endless Blockade For the Pussyfooter (WAR/PEACE comp 1984)
Collapse Society- Practice? (Tokyo Crusties Comp ep)
Disclose- Fear of the War (Fear of the War demo tape 1993(?))
Disclose- Crying Children (1st EP 1993)
Abraham Cross- Same as War (Tokyo Crusties Comp ep)
Victims of Greed- Peace (We against your fuckin the new Japan-US security threaty! Comp ep)
Contrast Attitude- Peace Drunker (The Time of Hell 4-way split)
Contrast Attitude- Mirror of Persecution Complex (Sick Brain Extreme Addict ep 2004)
Age- Women is Slaughter
Ferocious X- Krrosa systemet
Defector- Punk System Destroy
Final Exit- 21st Century Schizoid!?#!!?/Padroni/Authority? (Falafel Grind comp)
Crocodile Skink- War Game (Tokyo Crusties Comp ep)
Zoe- From Hell

Bathtub Shitter- Mark a muck

Corrupted- Existence
The Gaia- This One (live at Gilman 1994) (This One cd)
Youth Strike Chord- Break the Cycle (We against your fuckin the new Japan-US security threaty! Comp ep)
Result- It's Make Destroy You (Hymns for the Hearing Impaired Vol.1 comp)
Hope- Theme of Hope- Scatological Pregnant Woman
Carcass Grinder- Prospettive Limitate (Falafel Grind comp)
Battle of Disarm- It's not only their problem (split ep w/Inkisicao) (is this what I played??)
Crude- Positive Will (Immortality cd)
Tomorrow- Terra (Apathy=Self-Destruction comp ep)

Urgexx- Konjounashi (Feel Our Intense Urgexx)
Hellchild- Raise the Right Fist (Faster Pussy... Attack! Comp)
Beyond Description- Tempest Belief (A Road to a Brilliant Future cd 2005)
Assfort- (track 1)
Nunchaku- Nunchakura (Crawling from the Wreckage comp)
Majestic Four- Anarchy
Jack With Killer- Conflicting Character ((Fucking Noise Terror comp)
Slight Slappers- This Song is Dedicated to my Baby (split Lp w/Short Hate Temper)
The Futures- Mind Groove
Nice View- (? Track 3) (Tomorrow Will Be Worse Vol.1)

Flash Gordon- I scream, you scream (Tomorrow Will Be Worse Vol.1)
Crucial Section- No Company of the Surface (Language Isn't The Only Way of Communication Lp)
Fuck on the Beach- Suddenly Insert (Tomorrow Will Be Worse Vol.1)
Isolation- Coexist with Nature (Apathy=Self Destruction comp ep)
Daston- Distress Continue (Hymns for the Hearing Impaired Vol.1 comp)
DxIxEx- 357 pt III
Yellow Machinegun- Oyashirazur (Crawling From the Wreckage comp)

Toxic Noise- Asinine Power
Argue Damnation- Yes
Real Reggae- Injustice (Tomorrow Will Be Worse Vol.1)
Razors Edge- Future President (Thrash March 7")
Razors Edge- Born Again (Thrash March 7")
Cunt 'n Bananaaz- Neo-Fuck
Senseless Apocalypse- Against Drug Abuse (Hymns for the Hearing Impaired Vol.1 comp)
Senseless Apocalypse- Blurred (Hymns for the Hearing Impaired Vol.1 comp)
Infinite Radical Freakes (IRF)- Dysfunction
Vivisick- Distort World, Distort Future (Punks were made before sounds ep 2001)
Vivisick- Selfish Jap Equality (Punks were made before sounds ep 2001)
Reform Control- No Glory (Hymns for the Hearing Impaired Vol.1 comp)
World- Today to tomorrow/PITY/Save your slf/Die she must/If it wasn't the ocean/Your lover is gone/Something told me/Myself died a thousand times/It's always you/My father's hand/Until done/I'll be with you/You said goodnight/Problem of spirits/The same color/Wasted curiosity/Way of living, way of saved/Little chance of its comeback/The life has only one result/Swallowed up by the light/Eternal joursuit/Bending words/The swung eyes around/Firm berief (Space ep 1999)
Next week we begin with the Italians!

Friday, May 12, 2006

May Pole Add-on

Just a quick (hour or less) show to finish off the Poles, so to speak.

listen here-

read here-

Karcer- Rewolucyjny walczyk (1984)
Kult- Kasta pianistow (1984)
Squatters- W otchlan
Brygada Kryzys- Warsawa (1982)
Karcer- Przyjdz do nas (1988)
KSU- Noca

Blade Loki- System (Mlodziez olewa! 1995)
Blade Loki- Co sie stalo (Mlodziez olewa! 1995)
Biala Goraczka- Jestem
Hurt- Serki dietetyczne (live)
Biala Goraczka- Mow to co myslisz

Biala Goraczka- Dosyc juz
Wlochaty-Punk rock
Moskwa- Nigdy
Wlochaty- Horror
Moskwa- Powiertza

Monday, May 08, 2006

May Poles

First show of May, the Polish.
The show went really well, some great new pieces, though it was hampered by a stack of records being left at home... so look for an addendum mini-show in the next few days with Moskwa, KSU, Wlochaty, Rejestracja, and, perhaps, Dezerter and others?

Listen here-

Follow the bouncing ball here-

Kremlowskie Kuranty- Zanim (Zanim cd)
19 Wiosen- uklad sloneczy (11 Zim cd)
Paprika Korps- Facts of Life
Brygada Kryzys- Babilon upad (live the garage, London 08/12/03) or 1982…
Maanam- Boskie buenos (1981)
Siekiera- Bez zonka (Nowa Aleksandria)
Dobry Dzien- Prawo do wolnosci (2004)

Uz Jsme Doma- Rec (Rybi tuk/Tran Lp)
De Lindows- Barbiegirl
Sprzeciw- Impreza
Apatia- Czasami bywa tak, ze

La Aferra- Drzewa milosci (Milosc)
April- April (Prolog cd)
Apatia- Nie pozwalam (Manipulacja – Zniewolenie)
Post-Regiment- Czarzly (Post-Regiment cd)
Projekt- Niezalezny (Wiezi cd 2000)
Dobry Dzien- wladza (2004)
Strefa Zagrozenia- Bledy Historii (Bledy Historii)
Stracony- ? (Split w Via Media)
Stracony- Czas zaprzestac

Regres- Dzisiesjsza mlodziez (Punkrock pozytyw)
Via Media- ? (Split w/Stracony)
Przeciw- Czas Apokalipsy (Krzycze cd)
Slowa We Krwi- Koniec (Teraz cd)
Street Terror- Byrski (Rasa Przeciwko Religii cd)
Eye For an Eye- Na pewno (Follow Your Leader comp 2003)
Eye For an Eye- Wiemy (Fabryk Drwin 2000)
Inkwyzcja- Prorocy (Stare fotografie cd)
Infekcja- ? (Przegrani cd)
Via Media- ? (Split w/Stracony)

Projekt- Uwaga zly pies (Takie czasy 2005)
Tribute to Rejestracja- Bez przysziosci (w/singer from Post-Regiment)
PESD- ? Politikarepoizonkurvae Lp)
Homomilitia- Moje cialo- moj wybor (Twoje cialo – twoj wybor Lp)
Fuck Finger- Nazwij to jak chcesz
Antichrist- Seein’ Black
Non-Profit – Wyscig szczurow (Rage and Bitterness cd)
Disgusting Lies- Odpowiedzia sa klamstwa (Don't Ask, Just Listen 10")
H 407- Czerwona luna

Sanctus Iuda- Moje nieposluszenstwo
Lost- Civilization
Lost- Imprisoned
Filth of Mankind- Poszanowanie Roznorodnos (Respect for Diversity) The Final Chapter
Filth of Mankind- Na Krawedzi ycia (Czas Konca Wieku)
Trocki- Falszywa moralnosc
Grossmember- Find Your Own Way (Leave Us Alone cd)

Alienacja- Hippie Cult (Agathocles cover)
Unborn Suffer- Dead (Napalm Death Cover)
Unborn Suffer- Deadly Deceivers (and others...) Procreated Suffering cd
Squash Bowels- Grind’s Standart (Love Songs 2005)
Grossmember- Blind Fear (Leave Us Alone cd)
Angelreich- Cold (Split w/Torment of Prometheus)

Next week I was planning for Sweden or Japan but I may no be here at all...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Die Deutschen kommen!

German punk. There was a lot I couldn't play, Le Scrawl, Spermbirds, Slime, Acid Rain Dance, Cluster Bomb Unit... for one reason or other, but I was pretty psyched about it anyhow, fantastic!

Listen here-

Read along below-

Stroem- In the Gallery
Boskops- Skorbut (WAR/PEACE comp)
OHL- Der Osten (Die Deutschen kommen! Sampler 1982)
Porno Patrol- Jump Back (WAR/PEACE)
Die Strafe- Mimi
Upright Citizens- Swastika Ratss (WAR/PEACE)

Bombenalarm- Zero Existence
Genossen- Zensur (Ripping Thrash comp 1988)
Halle 54- Errinnere dich (Ripping Thrash)
Dean Dirg- Fuck Off (Refreshing ways to say Fuck Off!)

Bonehouse- The Capitalists are fucking our Mother Earth that’s why we call them Motherfuckers (The Fuse is Lit cd)
Aggra Makabra- It’s My Life (split w Displaced)
A Case of Grenada- Monitor (The Evidence cd)
Fear is the Path to the Dark Side- Pathos Galore (split w Fear of my thoughts (This Machine Runs on Fear))
Farmer’s Boulevard- The Human Robots (Red Carpet cd 2006)
I Defy- Dear Sound (On the Outside cd, 2006)
Hellstrom- Endlos (demo 2004)
Hellstrom-Jeden Sonntag das Gleiche (demo 2004)
The Now Denial- I Don't Care About Friendly Cops (Truth is on Fire Lp)
The Now Denial- Viva viva threatening (Viva viva threatening Lp)
Xawara- Human Discount

Idiot Savant- Volksempfaengar
Dekadent- Wacht endlich auf! (Wacht endlich auf! Ep)
Skrack- Years (This Prison We Designed Lp)
Legion666- Immortal Schisms (Die scheisse christus cd)
Perth Express- Homo Irrationale (split with Hellstrom)

Cheerleaders of the Apocalypse- (split 7” with Hocus)
Cause of Divorce- Cause of Divorce (Genozid demo 2002)
Accion Mutante- Fear
Murder Disco X- Castration of the Gods/Corporate Politics (split w Jilted)
Gomorrah- Conflict
Pink Flamingos- Pennies From Heaven
Keitzer- ?

Inhuman Condition- Proceeding Decay (Ripping Thrash comp)
My Own Lies- Nur die Masken aendern sich (split w/ Wilbur Cobb)
Stack- Intransigent
Systral- Insignificant (Fucking Noise Terror comp)
Stack- Ballastexistenzen
Nyctophobic- Responsibilities (4 ways to Misery)
Crude B.E.- Schwanz Ab!
Ulcerrhoea- Don’t’ Worry (Be Empty) War on Terror comp
Ulcerrhoea- Polizia (War on Terror comp)
Autoritar- Extreme Dry Humping

Y- Mencore
Shut the Fuck Up- Paint the Cat (Shut the Fuck Up! 12")
Kommissar X- Hier ist alles klar, denn hier bin ich der Kommissar!
The Tangled Lines- Fear is the Path to the Dark Side
Quattro Staggioni- Kaputt-alism (625 Thrashcore ep)

Dead Raven Choir- First We Take Manhattan (Sturmfuckinglieder cd) Leonard Cohen cover